Sunday, April 25, 2010

Play that Funky Music Mario!

So there are these self made videos out there of Super Mario World levels being played. There is a twist however. They are called Automatic Mario videos where fans have created their own levels using some kind of emulator technology. Mario is basically whipping through these crazy levels just barley avoiding dying. The videos are set to all kinds of crazy music. The music for the first video matches the sound effects from the game. In fact the creator of this fist video matched a Mario level to a song that's over 11 minutes. To each his own I guess.
To say the least though they are entertaining as hell. Well at least up till the first 5 minutes. 11 minutes is a bit long. But I do thing its worth checking out. I guess they hit the scene in 2007 and peaked around 2008 according to
I inserted the video below (finally figured out how). Take a look or hit up the link to see a bunch more.

Power Up Gamers,

Dustin Jack

Monday, April 19, 2010

Like happy birthday man...

So in February this dude posts a picture of his dog (Riley) sitting at a table with a dog birthday cake. The dog is a white poodle type dog mixed with something else. Anyway the dog looks pretty nutz. Its eyes are like slits and really look human. Its actually kind of creepy, but what made it famous was the fact that the dog looked stone. His buddy saw his picture on facebook and uploaded it to a site called Reddit where you can commented on things like posted pictures. It was a huge hit and generated over 700 posts instantly. Below is what a few people were saying...

ajprax: Looks really baked.
Shaper_pmp: I suspect his paws are huuuuuuuuge.
Majupra: “Duuude. This cake is so… … …duuude.”
AnnArchist: he got high as fuck
skizmo: How high is that ?
texpundit: Exactly one fuck high.

The owner of the dog, Maureen Ravelo, actually went onto the Today Show to set the record straight and stated that the dog was actually not high. As you can imagine, everybody soon after that started photoshoping the crap out of it. Check out the link

You can have ur cake and eat it too,
Dustin Jack

Monday, April 12, 2010

Tear A Rug Lil Man.

I actually saw this video on some tv comedy show a while back. I didn't know it had become such a huge hit on-line. Basically the store is that there is this little Indian actor named Thavakalai, or also known affectionately as "King Kong". The actor is a breaking dancing to Madonna's 1983 hit "Holiday". The script goes as such:

Mother: Hey, hey. What’s with the party early in the morning. Everyone go away, shoo, shoo. (Speaking to Rajinikanth, who’s lying on the cot) Why not take some rest, dear.
Rajinikanth: OK, Mom (lights up a cigarette as she walks away).
Thavakalai: Dude, give me a cigarette.
Rajinikanth: Hey! Kids shouldn’t smoke.
Thavakalai: Buddy, I’m ten years older than you. Give it to me I say.
Rajinikanth: And if I don’t?
Thavakalai: I’ll skin you alive.
Rajinikanth: Here you go.

The video itself is great and hilarious. Its kinda odd as well. As you can image a bunch of people made spoofs about it as well which are all pretty good. Check out the link, and watch the original. If you scroll down you can catch the one by SNL.

Put your dancing shoes on,

Dustin Jack

Monday, April 5, 2010

What up Snicks.

The meme I did today is another photoshop born meme. Its the SnookiShip 2010. The actualy images people make arn't really all that exciting in themselves. But the idea behind Snooki is. Snooki was member from MTVs Jersey Shore. If you had a television this winter chances are you know at least half of the cast. The show is about a group of young east coast Italian Americans who move into a beach house on the Jersey Shore. They live there for a summer and basically talk about what it means to be a "guido" and party their asses off.
One memeber in particular became the most popular. Her name was Snooki. She was a short overly tan girl who had a really interesting outlook on life. She often was over emotional and was just looking for a guy to make out with. She was also punched in the face by a frat guy in one episode (note: I don't condone that). But the point is she really blew up in the popular culuture after that. Thats what inspired people to start photoshopping her in all kinds of crazy pictures. Anyway the point is, the reign of Snooki isn't over yet.

Dustin Jack